Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome Summer!

   I don't remember exactly what year the shift happened, but there was a time when I loathed the last day of school.  Back when the thought of entertaining two bored kids all day seemed like an unachievable feat. But those days are gone!  Somehow the school years filled with art, spelling bees, and scraped knees has been replaced with endless homework, state mandated tests that threaten your child's future, and mean girls.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Titus too!

 "The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." Titus 2:3-5
I know what your thinking..."I HAVE TO DO THAT TOO!" I also feel the pressure to be what God asks of me.  From that unbelievable Proverbs 31:10-31 woman, to the instruction in Ephesians 5:22-24 about respecting our husbands...Titus 2 gives us MORE to live up to. It can feel impossible, unachievable, even as if we are setting ourselves up to fail! Again.
But look closer at these verses and I hope you will see what I see... that these verses aren't so much talking about being a godly wife or mother...but it's instruction on  how to be a godly female FRIEND. And girls we ALL need those!  The most amazing thing about this passage in Titus 2 is that these couple of verses are setting believing women up for a support system.  Could it be that this instruction is what we all need in order to live up to the other stuff? 
HALLELUJAH....give me some help!

The Secret

This past winter my husband's Grandmother (Margaret Smith) passed away.  As expected, it had been an emotionaly difficult week.  But also expected, it was a wonderful homecoming of family.

I first met Shannon's grandparents (Nana and Grandaddy) when I  began dating Shannon, when I was 17. Him and his dad were living with them in Bullard at the time, so anytime I was at Shannon's house, it was actually his grandparents's peach farm in Bullard. In fact, I actually saw them more than his parents.     At the memorial service this weekend, Shannon's brother Shay spoke about how loving, and accepting Nana was.  I witnessed that first hand as an outsider, spending time with this family.  She seemed to immediately love me, like I was an extension of her Grandson.  I soon took to calling them by their grandparent family names "Nana & Grandaddy".  There was no other name that suited them.  At that early point in knowing them, they instanty grafted me into the family and they became my grandparents too.

There is another woman living in my house!

There is another women living in my house.  This "other" women  is younger, skinner .....and very familiar. She looks like me, dresses like me, smells like me, acts like me....she even thinks like me.  Sometimes I catch a glimpse of her around the house and I recognize her big toes and that cute little butt.  She wears my shoes, raids my closet, picks through my makeup, wears my perfume, and has recently began taking hot baths after dinner!

Pleasing Prayers?

 In the mornings on the way to school, the kids and I always pray for each other, for their school day, family, friends, etc. It occurred to me this morning that my prayers are often filled with prayers for blessings and protection. Along the lines of "Protect Hayden and Caraline today Lord, watch over Shannon today while he drives to Dallas, bring him home safely...Bless my day and help me get back home safely..." You know what I mean...