Friday, May 11, 2012

Pleasing Prayers?

 In the mornings on the way to school, the kids and I always pray for each other, for their school day, family, friends, etc. It occurred to me this morning that my prayers are often filled with prayers for blessings and protection. Along the lines of "Protect Hayden and Caraline today Lord, watch over Shannon today while he drives to Dallas, bring him home safely...Bless my day and help me get back home safely..." You know what I mean...

      I'm not so sure that's all God is interested in hearing from me in the mornings. Yes, I know that those prayers of protection are better then no prayer at all, and that God is interested in that aspect of my life, but God's idea of protection and mine are VERY different. That can't be all he wants to hear from us....that can't be pleasing to Him.  And I know that I'm not teaching my children to pray what is pleasing to God....not if that's all we pray and to pass a math test.

     I imagine Him saying "Nice to hear from you this morning Emily, and your list of needs...but I have BIGGER plans for you today, plans that will bring Me Glory, through you, if you will allow me to. Don't you trust Me to work it all out for you?  I do want to help Hayden pass his test, give Caraline a good day at school and to protect your family, but there is MORE to life with Me...much more." His Word says The Lord wants His Will to be done, for us to praise Him, bring Him Glory, and for His kingdom to come. My prayers of personal protection have NOTHING to do with that.
      What if I added to my prayers...more along the lines of..."help me to bring you Glory today Lord. I submit to Your Will in my life today Lord...I trust Your plan today Lord and You are worthy of that trust."...THEN add my confession, and supplications.
      I've just been thinking about that this morning.

We all have this problem from time to time...what is the Lord prompting you to add to your prayers?  Feel free to comment below.

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